Jul 2, 2012
Anti-Repression March in Madison
Declare your Independence from Capitalism and the State this July 4th. Against political repression of activists, radicals, dissenters. Against entrapment and other state trickery. Against police harassment and brutality in our communities.
Meet at the old Occupy encampment (800 block of East Washington Avenue, Madison, WI) at 3:00PM, July 4th.
March Route is tbd. Black is the color of the day.
More Info:
The NATO 3 plead not guilty
Entrapment of Cleveland 5 and NATO 3 is nothing new
Update On The Cleveland 5 Entrapment Case Defendants
Chris French, arrested along with several others at Sunday evening’s NATO protest and being charged with trumped up charges of “aggravated battery on a police officer.”