Anarchy in Wisconsin!


A collusion of anti-capitalist and anti-state affinities

Because Fuck Capitalism

From Anarchist News:

We fucked up a Cash Advance Store in the Central Sand because we hate capitalism.

We smashed out every single window (six total, yo) and spray painted, “Because fuck loan sharks”.

We will do everything we can to block pipelines and mines in Wisconsin and we will fuck up windows when we get bored…..

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) attacked in Solidarity with Lake Superior

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) is Wisconsin’s biggest lobbying firm, financed by business and industrial elites to craft the legal policies that govern us and permit the transformation of all existing life to the that of the commodity. They want more clear-cutting and tree farms instead of wild forest, more mines where pristine rivers carve through wetlands and ancient rock formations. They want more factories, more pipelines, and more sprawling concrete highways that connect dispossessed workers to the infrastructure and technology that is turning the planet into a smoldering pit of death. They wish to keep us imprisoned in this world of work, alienated from the land, each other, and the activity that makes up our daily lives.

They have also recently been pushing hard toward further industrial development in the Lake Superior region, specifically, opening the Bad River Watershed (where 40% of Lake Superior’s wetlands are located) and the Penokee Hills up to open-pit iron mining. We understand that this will significantly affect people’s subsistence strategies, particularly the Bad River Ojibwe who are directly downstream from the proposed mining site and rely on the walleye and wild rice that the pristine waters give to them in order to survive.

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