Anarchy in Wisconsin!


A collusion of anti-capitalist and anti-state affinities

Anti-Repression March in Madison

Declare your Independence from Capitalism and the State this July 4th. Against political repression of activists, radicals, dissenters. Against entrapment and other state trickery. Against police harassment and brutality in our communities.

Meet at the old Occupy encampment (800 block of East Washington Avenue, Madison, WI) at 3:00PM, July 4th.

March Route is tbd. Black is the color of the day.

More Info:

The NATO 3 plead not guilty

Entrapment of Cleveland 5 and NATO 3 is nothing new

Update On The Cleveland 5 Entrapment Case Defendants

Chris French, arrested along with several others at Sunday evening’s NATO protest and being charged with trumped up charges of “aggravated battery on a police officer.”

Variety Show in Madison to Benefit Christopher French

NATO held their summit in Chicago in late May, 2012. Activists from all over the country converged in Chicago to protest the war makers, and we experienced police brutality.

Christopher French was among those arrested during the police riot, and has been framed on charges of “aggravated battery on a police officer.” Many of us here in Madison know Chris because of his presence in this town.

For more information, see the below link:

To donate directly to the bail fund for Chris, click the below link:

In our efforts to raise $7,000 to bail Chris out of Jail, we will sing, dance, and shout, calling for all political prisoners to be freed, and an end to police brutality in Chicago and beyond.

Line up:

Cassidy Ann, original spirit folk
Thistle and Thorns, original folk punk
Allie Hendrick, old-time music
Ali Muldrow, spoken word poetry
Bill Anderson, wobbly folk singer
Miranda Moon, fusion belly dancing
Johnny Sin
Open Mic

Try your skill at the “throw a pie at a riot cop” booth, while raising money for Chris’s bail fund ($1 per pie).

Join us in a ceremonious sharing of our anti-imperial stout, brewed for this occasion, as we declare our independence from the Amerikkkan Empire.

Bring clothes, books and trash-to-treasure items for the really really free market!


$5 -10 sliding scale. Wed. July 4th, 2012, 9 pm – 2 am, Nottingham Co-op.